


初中两分钟英语演讲稿 篇一

  As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!

  You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

  As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

  Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!

初中两分钟英语演讲稿 篇二

  I enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation. But life in the university is not as satisfactory as what I had expected. I become lazy and don"t want to study.I become silcent. I become puzzled. I don"t know what I can do in the future. Then I become unhappy.

  Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. I don"t want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer(志愿者) for five years.It"s very happy and significant. Then I have a dream.I want to join the University Student Volunteers Go West Programe. I think I can be a teacher in the west.I want to try my best to help them and help me. I want to see the world cearly. Now I can"t reach its demand and it"s very diffcult,but I will work hard in the next two years. There is an old saying"where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成)"I think my dream can come ture.Now in the university I mature,and in the university I prepare for the real world.

  At last,I want to say to everybody"Hlod fast to your dreams,no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide,even some sacrifices are needed.But hold on to the end,you can find there is no geater happiness than making your dream come ture."

初中两分钟英语演讲稿 篇三

  English is a useful language all over the world. Why are we began to learn English when we were little children? Beacause it is very important for us to learn it.In the world, if you cannot speak English you will lose half a chance to success.

  I began to learn English when I was 8 years old.At that moment,I do not like English.I connot remember all the words which I have learnt.I think it is very difficult for me to learn it well.So I cannot read English loudly and I never answer the questions in the English classes.

  Even if my English is very bad, my teacher stll encourages me to learn English hard and he gives me some ways to learn English. He tells me to read passages loudly and listen to the English tapes everyday morning.In order to progress my writing he also asks me to write some articles at times. I like listen to the English songs,he suggests me to sing the English songs.As a result of his ways my English becomes well.

  Now, I like English very well and I still use the ways he tells me.I know I must learn English even hard.

两分钟英语演讲稿 篇四

  What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal.On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life.You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time.

  如果失败了该怎么办? 许多人可能会选择放弃。 然而,成功的最可靠方法是保持方向并坚持目标。在成功的路上,必须保持方向。 它就像一盏灯,在黑暗中指引您并帮助您克服途中的障碍。 否则,您很容易迷失方向或犹豫不决。方向即目标。 生活中没有目标,您将一事无成。您可以尝试将目标写在纸上,并为实现目标制定一些计划。 这样,您将知道如何安排时间并正确地度过时间。 而且,您还应该相信只要您始终保持正确的方向,您一定会成功。

两分钟英语演讲稿 篇五






  Youth is the winter plum of Aoxue Lingshuang. It uses its sprouting twigs to nurture tomorrow's hopes. Youth is the colorful peach and plums. Its charming face is used to construct the blueprint of hope. Youth is the vibrant grass. Use it That Yinyin green is inlaid with the blueprint of the dream, Phnom Penh.

  Youth is undoubtedly an enviable capital. With it, you can work hard and tears to make your own sky on the land of China. With it, you dare to cry and laugh and enjoy between the sun, moon and stars. Enjoy the taste of life; if you have him, you will boldly love to hate and build, no regrets in this life.

  Youth is magnificent because we have dreams, youth makes us strong, youth is full of energy, when mountains collapse, rivers dry up, rocks rot, and souls extinct, only youth The source of water is long, and only the river of dreams stays in your heart.

  Because we have dreams, the smiling face of youth is sweet, overflowing with passion and enthusiasm, and radiating the joy of looking forward to the future; because we have dreams, the eyes of youth are innocent, where there is a boiling life, where there are loads A colorful world; because we have dreams, the chest of youth is thrilling. We rushed to Niucheng from all over the motherland. Here we have both the surging passion of the "bull" and the rational thinking beyond the passion of "Guo Shoujing". Here there is both the ambition and the spirit of riding the wind and waves, and the down-to-earth spirit of the dragon and horse; because we have dreams, the arms of youth are powerful. To turn the sea into a mulberry field and let the oasis replace the desert, we must tighten the ropes of the times. The importance of the times is upheld; because we have dreams, the steps of youth are healthy, able to walk out of the trough of confusion, walk out of the vortex of decadence, walk out of the quagmire of swamps, stand on the present, face the future, work hard, and strive to develop.

  Young friends, youth and dreams are in sync, let's open our arms and let youth and dreams spread their wings!

两分钟英语演讲稿 篇六






  I have seen this passage: The bird said: I flew through the sky, but no trace of me left in the sky. Tagore said that there were no traces of me in the sky, but I had flown. The same situation, but there are two different attitudes, I believe the latter attitude can win everyone's recognition. In fact, life is a mirror. If you smile at him, he will show a smile to you. If you cry at it, then you will only reap depression.

  Some people may complain that God is so unfair. I have been working hard for many years and I am still a manager assistant. After studying hard for 12 years, I still failed to enter the ideal university. However, these complaints cannot change reality, but only aggravate your own troubles. Why not treat them with a positive and optimistic attitude?

  On the contrary, as we are familiar with, Mr. Lincoln suffered business failure at the age of 24, his lover died at the age of 26, and a mental breakdown at the age of 27. He repeatedly ran for senators and vice presidents in the middle age, but all ended in failure. In the end, he never gave up his dreams, but responded to these unsatisfactory with a positive attitude towards life. Eventually, he became the sixteenth president of the United States. It was this positive and optimistic attitude towards life that allowed Lincoln to finally realize his ideal .

  I believe that if there is no positive and optimistic attitude to life, Sang Lan who has fallen limbs, Zhang Haidi with high amputation, and Helen Keller without light and darkness in their lives, they will also not have a splendid life, and they will not win the world Respect and praise.

  Dear friends, although we cannot predict what will happen in the next second, I believe that as long as we have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, our lives will always be happy. Therefore, even if there are a thousand reasons to cry, we must find 10,000 reasons to smile for ourselves, so that our lives will be filled with more sunshine and happiness.
